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Congressional Exploratory Committee

31st Congressional District

U.S. House of Representatives

The Voice of Democracy!

The Voice of Hope!

The Voice of Change!




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Putting My Experience
to Work

I migrated from India several years back to pursue the American Dream: Have a better life and provide for our family. America is the land of opportunities, where dreams come true. While there have been ups and downs and struggles, this country has welcomed me and my family with open arms and offered us numerous opportunities to ensure a better life.


What I have realized over the years is that while we are represented in Washington by Politicians, we are missing true PEOPLE’s VOICE. The voice of the common man is important but has been unheard for too long. It is the voice of the people who are the backbone of our society.


I am your voice, an immigrant from a working family that understands the struggles we all have to go through to make ends meet. A next-generation Leader, that brings in new vision and is not just a politician.  Someone that you can trust to address people’s concerns and fight for what’s right irrespective of the political party affiliation. I believe in creating a platform for collaboration between Private-Public-People to bring together unanimous decisions that lead to economic growth and prosperity. 

I am a seasoned risk management executive with more than 20+ years of experience in building and leading large teams of professionals to deliver enterprise risk management programs. A strategic thinker and visionary who can drive innovative solutions to meet objectives. A leader with team-building skills, a strong partnership mentality, a creative thinker, visionary & problem solver. Strong people management skills and relationship-building expertise with a consistent track record of success and advancement through a wide variety of management roles and responsibilities.


I may not be a career politician but the time has come for a change to bring in new views that look at people’s issues from a new vision and a new mindset that is free from current political bias, or political hardlines that have divided us. My experience will bring new direction and vision to support people’s needs. The time has come for a change. A change that we need in political mindset, how we look at equality (and not just diversity), how we envision our economic growth & ease of doing business, violence management (not just gun control), our relationships with other countries, and what we need to do to ensure we retain our global dominance.

Helping Hands
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